Word Reading - Read the Y3/4 and Y5/6 common exception words independently.
- Read words with the common prefix _____ and explained that it meant____. (un-, dis-, mis-, in-, il-, im-, re-, sub-, inter-, anti-, super-, auto-).
- Read words with the common suffix _____ and explained that it meant____. (-ly, -ation, -le, -ally, - sion, -sure, -ture, -ous).
- Read words with the ‘k’ sound, spelt ‘ch,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: Christmas, scheme, character, chemist.
- Read words with ‘sh’ sound, spelt ‘ch,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: Chef, machine, brochure.
- Read words with ‘g’ sound, spelt ‘gue,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: league, tongue.
- Read words with ‘s’ sound, spelt ‘sc,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: Science, scene, fascinate.
- Read words with ‘ay’ sound, spelt ‘ei/eigh or ey,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: vein, weigh, eight, obey.
| Comprehension - Can identify that the main idea of the text was_____.
- Could retrieve information about___ from the non-fiction text (give examples).
- After reading he asked questions about the text to find out ____.
- Read the start of the story and predicted ____.
- Used the text that he’s read so far to predict that what might happen next is_____.
- Suggested that the character might be feeling ____ because_____.
- Suggested that the character might be thinking_____because______.
- Discussed the characters motives for _____ might be______because_____.
- Used the dictionary correctly to investigate the meaning of the word____.
- Talked about the impact of the word/phrase_____ on the reader, suggesting_____.
- Talked about the meaning of the word_____ using the context of the book.
- Using the text she justified that the character might be feeling____ because____.
- Used deduction skills to predict that ______.
- Noted that the author had chosen to use the word______ to make the reader think/feel______.
| Expression - Can read aloud with good pace and accurate fluency.
- Reads with expression and engages the reader.
- Uses intonation in her voice, responding appropriately to punctuation: question marks, exclamation marks, speech marks.
- Read aloud and used appropriate tone and volume.
- When reading aloud, she takes account of the punctuation in the text.
- * Read aloud, showing awareness of the listener through the use of pauses/giving emphasis/keeping an appropriate pace, so as to maintain the readers interest/add humour.