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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR



  • Nursery: 89%
  • Reception: 89%
  • Year 1: 92%
  • Year 2: 87%
  • Year 3: 93%
  • Year 4: 96%
  • Year 5: 97%
  • Year 6: 97%

Support for Reading with your Child at Home

Parents’ Guide to Reading with Children


Listed below are some examples of comments which may help support parents and adults when writing in the children’s Individual Reading Record.

When hearing children read, the golden rules are –

· Be Positive – reading should be a lovely, fun experience

· Be Specific – what did the child do well that should be praised?

· Be helpful – what is the next step for that child?

Happy reading everyone!


Word Reading

  • Read the Y3/4 and Y5/6 common exception words independently.
  • Read words with the common prefix _____ and explained that it meant____. (un-, dis-, mis-, in-, il-, im-, re-, sub-, inter-, anti-, super-, auto-).
  • Read words with the common suffix _____ and explained that it meant____. (-ly, -ation, -le, -ally, - sion, -sure, -ture, -ous).
  • Read words with the ‘k’ sound, spelt ‘ch,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: Christmas, scheme, character, chemist.
  • Read words with ‘sh’ sound, spelt ‘ch,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: Chef, machine, brochure.
  • Read words with ‘g’ sound, spelt ‘gue,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: league, tongue.
  • Read words with ‘s’ sound, spelt ‘sc,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: Science, scene, fascinate.
  • Read words with ‘ay’ sound, spelt ‘ei/eigh or ey,’ and discussed the unusual spelling: vein, weigh, eight, obey.



  • Can identify that the main idea of the text was_____.
  • Could retrieve information about___ from the non-fiction text (give examples).
  • After reading he asked questions about the text to find out ____.
  • Read the start of the story and predicted ____.
  • Used the text that he’s read so far to predict that what might happen next is_____.
  • Suggested that the character might be feeling ____ because_____.
  • Suggested that the character might be thinking_____because______.
  • Discussed the characters motives for _____ might be______because_____.
  • Used the dictionary correctly to investigate the meaning of the word____.
  • Talked about the impact of the word/phrase_____ on the reader, suggesting_____.
  • Talked about the meaning of the word_____ using the context of the book.
  • Using the text she justified that the character might be feeling____ because____.
  • Used deduction skills to predict that ______.
  • Noted that the author had chosen to use the word______ to make the reader think/feel______.


  • Can read aloud with good pace and accurate fluency.
  • Reads with expression and engages the reader.
  • Uses intonation in her voice, responding appropriately to punctuation: question marks, exclamation marks, speech marks.
  • Read aloud and used appropriate tone and volume.
  • When reading aloud, she takes account of the punctuation in the text.
  • * Read aloud, showing awareness of the listener through the use of pauses/giving emphasis/keeping an appropriate pace, so as to maintain the readers interest/add humour.


  • Can confidently talk about the book/poem/information.
  • Could listen to other people’s opinion about a book.
  • Prepared a poem/passage to read aloud and perform.
  • Chooses to read additional materials other than his reading book.
  • Developed a preference for reading_____(text/author)
  • Is keen to find out more about the author/poet that they have read (give examples).
  • Talked widely about the author and the types of books they write.
  • Explained that he liked reading books by ______ because______.



  • Can independently self-correct mistakes in reading by _______.



Discussed the fiction/poetry/play/non-fiction/reference text and noticed that……

• Discussed how a non-fiction book is structured and how it helps the reader.

• Commented on the structure/presentation of the text.

• Explained organisational features in narrative/explanation/persuasion text, noting ___________.

