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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Flourish.

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR

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Admission Arrangements

Admission Arrangements

We are always delighted to spend time showing parents and children around our school and to talk about our aims, beliefs and activities. Please feel welcome to visit our school, ask questions and find out for yourself why we think we are the right choice for your child.


Our admission arrangements are organised through Slough Local Authority.  If you wish to apply for a school place, please contact the following email address.


Our School Catchment Area

Slough children start school in the September of the year in which they become five. Reception class children start with a half-day and progress to a full day when the child is ready for this.


Criteria for admission to the school are as follows:

  1. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs that names St Mary’s will be allocated a place above all other applicants.
  2. Children in Public Care (Looked After)
  3. Children who have brothers or sisters attending the school when the applicant would enter the school.
  4. Children whose home address is in the catchment area of the school.
  5. Children whose parents have selected the school on denominational grounds.
  6. Children who have strong medical or social grounds for admission. The reasons must be fully supported in writing by a professional person such as a doctor or social worker, and returned with the application form.
  7. All other applicants.


If we do not have places for all the children in one of the categories above, priority will be given to children who fall into more than one of the categories. If there are still not enough places and it is not possible to decide who should be offered places using the criteria above, then a final decision will be made by calculating the distance from the home to the school, priority being given to those who live the closest.


Children who attend our nursery class do not automatically gain admission to the main school. A separate school application form must be filled in and submitted to the Admissions Team at the Council. All admissions to main school are considered in accordance with the school’s admission criteria.


More information can be found at

Please ask at the school office about in-year admissions.


