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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Flourish.

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR



  • Nursery: 89%
  • Reception: 89%
  • Year 1: 92%
  • Year 2: 87%
  • Year 3: 93%
  • Year 4: 96%
  • Year 5: 97%
  • Year 6: 97%

Phonics - Learning to Read



At St Mary's we use the Read, Write Inc. Scheme to teach Phonics. 


Phonics involves matching the sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters.  For example, the sound k can be spelled as c, k, ck or ch. Teaching children to blend the sounds of letters together helps them decode unfamiliar or unknown words by sounding them out. 


Please do not teach your child to sing or say the alphabet. Children should only be learning the sound of each letter not the name. 


For more information about the scheme please click on the Read Write Inc. Parent Website below:

Read Write Inc. Phonics: an overview by Ruth Miskin

How to say the sounds

Uploaded by Ruth Miskin Training on 2019-09-09.

Name The Picture

Each sound is represented by a picture. Watch the video regularly and encourage your child to join in. Click here



Please click on the links below to watch a RWI phonics lesson. Each video will show you how we teach sounds at school and will support you in helping your child learn the sound at home. 

Please encourage your child to participate in the lesson. 

Fred Games 


Speaking like Fred helps children to understand that words are made up of sounds. Use Fred Talk throughout the day to help your child practise blending sounds together.


Watch these Fred Game Videos: 
