1. What is the Governing Board?
The Governing Board is a group of volunteers who set the strategic vision for the school with the Headteacher, and ensure that the school works efficiently and effectively towards achieving its vision. It does this by:
- Building a thorough knowledge of the school and its community
- Supporting and constructively challenging the school, and
- Ensuring accountability (judging the school’s performance openly) and compliance (ensuring the school meets all its legal obligations, for example for safeguarding children, and managing its finances appropriately)
Day-to-day decisions are taken by the Headteacher and staff. It is the governors’ job to set the direction and policies for the school; to delegate the job of delivering this to the Headteacher; to provide ongoing support and advice; and to monitor the outcome.
2. What does being a Parent Governor mean?
A Parent Governor is elected by parents/carers, but actually is NOT there to ‘represent’ parents. The Parent Governor’s job is to get to know, to support and challenge (ask questions of) the school, just like all governors. Parents/carers can bring very useful insights about what the school is like for children and their families. Parent Governors can help other governors understand what being in the school is like. They are often the first to celebrate wonderful things that the school is doing! Being a Parent Governor is a very rewarding way of being involved in your child’s school.
3. What does being a Governor involve?
As a governor, you need to be able to attend at least 7 Governing Body meetings over the year. These take place in school, in the early evening (usually 5:30pm – 7:00pm). On average a Governor needs to spend 1 hour a week on governor activities, whether it is attending meetings, visiting the school, reading reports or following up on actions.
Some Governors have specific responsibilities and work closely with staff and the Head Teacher.
4. What you need to be a Governor?
- An interest in the school and in the welfare of all our children.
- The time and willingness to get involved, for example, there will be papers that you will need to read and think about in preparation for meetings.
- A commitment to learn over time, through getting involved and attending training.
- The ability to keep up-to-date with current affairs and policy in education.
Some Governors choose to develop some expertise, for example in how best to keep all children safe, or in best practice in meeting the needs of particular groups of children, such as those with Special Educational Needs.
Governors ensure safeguarding procedures are followed
- The governors all have enhanced DBS checks. They are aware of the legalities of the school’s single central register. If governors attend school they know that they must sign in and out and wear their governors lanyard for recognition.
Governors ensure that the school achieves its outcomes for all pupils
- Data is shared with all governors. This includes school demographics, attendance and outcomes.
- Governors also receive reports about different groups of pupils to ensure that no pupils are being left behind.
- Governors are diligent in checking on the progress of the school’s development plan and receive updates each term about this. They ask about the impact that the plans are having on children and how we know.
- Governors monitor the school finance.
Governors engage effectively with the school community
- Governors are expected to visit the school during the working day, at least twice a year, as this enables them to understand how the school operates on a daily basis.