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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR

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Signs and Symptoms

Current known symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19):

  • high temperature,
  • new continuous cough,
  • loss of sense of smell and taste and
  • new rash

There are many other symptoms as well including sickness and diarrhoea and sore throats.

As with the nature of this illness you may have symptoms that clear quickly, but in order to protect our community you must follow the Government Guidance of 10 days self-isolation or 14 days for an entire family unit. (However, we will request you take a test to return to school).

  • If anyone in your house hold tests positive for COVID-19 you must inform the school and isolate your family for 14 days. Children will NOT be allowed to return to school until this period is up.


  • If a Child or staff member shows any of the recognised symptoms they must not enter school site and must isolate either for 10 days or 14 depending on family situations. However, we would request and recognise that any of these symptoms could be for any cold or flu that can be picked up.


  • So, we would ask that our children, staff and families get a test carried out immediately. If the test is negative (we will ask for proof) then you may return to school once better.


  • If a parent is showing signs you must isolate and not enter the school site under any circumstances and your children should be kept at home until you have a test carried out.


  • If anyone has a positive test in school then the Headteacher or absence a Deputy Head teacher will immediately seek advice from the Local Authority and contact public health England if required from the LA. All people in the bubble are likely to be contacted by NHS track and trace and we may at this point have to close a bubble for 14 days.


  • If we have two or more cases in school then Public Health England will inform us of the next steps this could result in a school closure for a period of time to allow a specialised deep clean and period of self-isolation.


  • We will provide you with information and contact numbers should you require them, however you can self-book a test at any time. We would recommend you use the drive in centres as the turn around is quicker than a home test kit.


  • If a child is ill during the day with any of these symptoms we will take them to our isolation room, where a member of staff will sit with them. (The staff member will be wearing full PPE) you will be called to collect your child immediately, when you arrive please call the school office and we will bring your child out to you and any sibling they have. You will then need to get a test carried out.


We recognise we are approaching the flu season but we must take these steps above to ensure safety of all. We would also request that any other sickness such as vomiting or diarrhoea then you strictly follow the 48 hour rule from last symptom.

We would also request if anyone in the household or if you have been contacted by track and trace that you let us know so we can take the necessary actions.

By following the above strictly and without exceptions then we will endeavour to keep our community safe and remain open as much as we can for the next academic year.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support with this ongoing situation.

