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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Flourish.

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR



  • Nursery: 89%
  • Reception: 89%
  • Year 1: 92%
  • Year 2: 87%
  • Year 3: 93%
  • Year 4: 96%
  • Year 5: 97%
  • Year 6: 97%

Curriculum Policies

Click on any of the links to read our curriculum policies.

Remote Learning 2020/21 Information for Parents


In March 2020, a pandemic forced government to close all schools nationally to avoid social mixing and reduce the spread of the virus.  This subsequently left many children at home without access to their education.   Schools were reopened in September 2020 with the threat of the virus still within our community.  Throughout the autumn term schools experienced full and partial closure and the rise in cases led to another school closure by Government in January 2021.  St Mary’s C.E. Primary School has put a plan in place for remote learning so that all children can continue with their education regardless of the school being closed or open.


This meets the expectations set out in the DfE guidance ‘Remote Education Support’

Core Subjects: