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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Flourish.

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR

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Collective Worship

Collective Worship at St Mary's


Why do we do a daily act of worship? (Our intent)

As a Church of England school we are not considered to be a faith or religious school, however we uphold the view that we will teach everyone in a Christian like way. 

  • Our intent is for children and adults to worship and learn of God and to reflect upon the impact of worship in our lives and the lives of the people around us, often comparing similarities and differences within other religions.


  • Our intent is to carefully plan collective worship to develop everyone’s understanding of key Christian values and recognise they can link to other religions and personal moral values. 


  • Our intent is to bring about spiritual, moral, cultural and social development across all the faiths and non faith families within our diverse community.


  • Our intent is to inspire our school community to learn, grow, achieve and flourish through our Christian values, bible readings including parables and stories, discussion, song, reflective time and prayer. 


How do we deliver it? (Our implementation)

Collective worship is delivered in a variety of ways through careful planning.  Leaders can deliver key messages through drama, art, the spoken word, song, music (singing, playing, listening), poetry, reflection, stories, posters and artefacts. A variety of people lead our worship; school – based adults, pupils, visitors from local churches and leaders from other faiths too. We may hold our worship in a school hall, in the classroom, outside or in a local religious building.


In school worship takes place as follows:

  • Light the candle
  • Greeting and response
  • Bible, liturgy, discussion
  • Song
  • Prayer and/or reflection
  • Sending out and response
  • Candle extinguished


 What is the difference that this makes? (Our impact)

  • time of peace in this busy world
  • contributes towards mental well-being
  • develops a sense of community 
  • helps foster the sense of being part of a wider community
  • a platform to celebrate achievements, festivals and special occasions
  • children learn, grow, achieve and flourish is a healthy and happy school community

