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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Flourish.

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR



  • Nursery: 89%
  • Reception: 89%
  • Year 1: 92%
  • Year 2: 87%
  • Year 3: 93%
  • Year 4: 96%
  • Year 5: 97%
  • Year 6: 97%

Tapestry - Online Learning Journal

We are pleased to announce that since the Autumn Term Early Years staff have been trialing Tapestry an online learning journal for recording individual children’s learning and development and this has been extremely successful. We would now like to begin to use the parent and carer function of the application to enable us to share information more easily between school and home.


What is Tapestry?

Tapestry is an easy to use and secure online learning journal that helps staff and families share and celebrate their children’s learning and development. Tapestry builds a record of a child’s experiences and journey through their early years, using an online electronic journal designed and developed specifically for the EYFS. Using photos, videos and diary entries staff, along with the child’s parents/carers create a record of their child’s learning ‘journey’ together. The Tapestry platform enables the information gathered to be kept as an electronic ongoing record and at the end of the year can be downloaded as a PDF document.


All information held on the platform is stored securely and can be downloaded and shared as required. Parents are able to see their child’s progress and what they have been learning, through the Tapestry platform as staff share observations that have been completed.


Parents can also upload their observations and comments regarding their child’s progress and development. The communication between staff and parents that Tapestry enables, helps build a shared understanding of how each child can reach their full potential. You can like and comment on observations that we add for your child and it’s also possible for you to add your own observations. Your comments and own observations will allow us to find out about which activities your child really enjoyed and the learning they get up to at home.


Please see the documents below to find out more information about Tapestry. Please ensure you sign the permission slip and email: 
After receiving your signed permission slip we will email you a link to activate your parent account. 

Using Tapestry – A Guide for parents and carers

As a school, we will be using Tapestry as our main means of setting work and communicating with parents during lockdown.  Here is a quick guide to its main features – if you have any difficulties please do call the school and we will do our best to sort them out.

You can download the Tapestry app to your phone or tablet (see logo below) or you can go to the website:


How does Tapestry work?

Tapestry provides each individual child with their own Learning Journal held online. Parents and carers are given their own log-in using their email – you should have received an email link and using this you can set your own password. If you do not currently have access please inform school and we can resend the email link. Staff are given a secure log-in and they can then upload observations, photos or videos and set work, plus see any comments/observations parents have added.


What is the PIN set up for?

When you access Tapestry through a mobile phone or tablet, please set a unique PIN when you log in for the first time. This will be required whenever you return to the application or after the screen has locked.


How do I change my settings on the computer?

At the top right of your screen you will see your name, and selecting this will give you the option to ‘Edit Preferences’. Choose this option and you will be presented with a screen giving you the option to change your email address and password. You also have the option to receive an email whenever a new observation is added to your child’s Learning Journal – just tick or untick the relevant box if you would like to change this setting.


How do I change my settings on iPhone/iPad/Android?

To change your settings on the iPhone/iPad app, click the ‘gear’ button on the top right hand side of the application. This enables you to change your password and/or email address.


How can I view my child’s Learning Journal?

Once logged in, you will see your child’s observations/work on your home screen in a list – selecting any one of these will open up the observation for you to look at. You may add comments in the box at the bottom of the observation if you would like to – and we would love to receive such comments!


How do I add an entry to my child’s Learning Journal?

Choose the ‘Add Observation’ option (or the ‘plus’ icon on your iPhone/iPad/Android) and add the relevant information in the boxes on screen. Photos and videos may be uploaded by choosing the ‘add media’ option. When you have saved your observation, you may go back to the home screen at any time by choosing ‘home’.
