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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Flourish.

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR



  • Nursery: 89%
  • Reception: 89%
  • Year 1: 92%
  • Year 2: 87%
  • Year 3: 93%
  • Year 4: 96%
  • Year 5: 97%
  • Year 6: 97%

RHE content within PSHE

At St. Mary’s, we recognize the vital contribution that Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) has on a young person’s life. We want to equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves safe, prepare them socially, emotionally and spiritually for life, and support them to be ready to leave primary school with the skills they will need to succeed in today’s society.

Our curriculum and use of Jigsaw PSHE supports children in becoming emotionally literate and confident in sharing their thoughts and feelings; develop both resilience and tolerance; build positive, respectful relationships with others, and nurtures understanding for both positive and physical mental health. We also promote the use of mindfulness to support children with their emotional awareness, concentration and focus.

Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is a fundamental part of this and is now a statutory part of Primary education. At primary school, this includes:


Health Education

Relationships Education

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Internet Safety
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy eating
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing adolescent body - puberty
  • Families and people who care about me
  • Caring friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe


The Jigsaw PSHE curriculum is split into 6 different units, which are covered half termly across each cohort:

  • Being Me In My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me


RHE is taught predominantly in the Relationships and Changing Me summer units, however, RHE is threaded within other units across the year.

Throughout their time at St. Mary’s, children will learn:

Summer 1


Summer 2

Changing Me

  • Families and friendships, including roles and responsibilities in families
  • Love, loss and memories
  • Grief
  • Safeguarding and keeping safe, including cyber safety and social networking
  • Conflict
  • Strength and self-esteem
  • Stereotypes
  • Communities
  • Lifecycles including growing from young to old and becoming a teenager
  • Self-respect
  • Family stereotypes
  • Body image
  • Attraction
  • Change and accepting change
  • Looking ahead-moving classes and schools
  • Puberty and how the body changes

What will my child actually be taught? 

The Jigsaw unit ‘Changing Me’ is taught in Summer Term 2. Each year group will be taught statutory content appropriate to their age and developmental stage. We will not be teaching about human reproduction (non-statutory). 


If a question arises and the teacher feels it would be inappropriate to answer, the child will be encouraged to ask his/her parents/carers at home. The question will not be answered to the child or class if it is outside the remit of that year group’s lesson. 
