P.E. & Sport
Our P.E. and Sport Coordinators is Mr N. Bignell
Why do we teach what we teach? (Our intent)
We provide high quality opportunity for all children in the school to lead healthy and active lifestyles and succeed in competitive sport. We strive to offer ever-improving teaching, learning and facilities in PE lessons as well as offering children a range of sporting opportunities through clubs during and after school. We want to include and help every child at St. Mary’s to find some aspect of this area of the curriculum which they can enjoy and succeed in! We use our allocation of ‘PE and Sport Premium’ to help us achieve this.
How do we teach it? (Our implementation)
We offer a very wide variety of sporting opportunities to all children in both lessons and competitive events for children with and without disabilities. We run an inclusive, varied and challenging programme of physical education through our ‘Create Development’s’ scheme ‘real PE’. See https://www.createdevelopment.co.uk/real-pe/
Our PE scheme of work involves all children through a variety of different activities, from Nursery to Y6, that encompasses indoor PE – gymnastics (‘real gym’) – floor, small and large apparatus – across: coordination, balances, agility, ball skills and dance – and outdoor skills – sports including ball and team games and mini and full sports, including: football, netball and basketball, tag rugby, hockey, tennis, mini-golf, rounders, cricket and athletics. Specific provision and events for children with special educational needs have included mixed-group teaching in wheelchair-users’ Boccia, QuadKids, New-Age Kurling, trampoline, archery, cycling, fencing, shooting and Ultimate Frisbee. In addition see ‘Clubs’ for information on further sport opportunities, such as dodgeball, badminton and martial arts.
In Early Years Foundation Stage 1 and 2, children have provision to meet their Physical Development area of learning – one of seven areas in the EYFS – to develop a child’s movement, handling of objects, understanding of their body and health and levels of self-care. Reception enjoy weekly indoor sessions alongside their outdoor learning.
In KS1 (Year 1 and 2), indoor PE and outdoor PE are timetabled for all children and involves them in a varied programme that includes the 6 strands (‘cogs’) of ‘real PE’: Balance, Coordination & Agility, Personal skills, Social skills, Cognitive skills, Applying Physical Skills, Creative skills and Knowledge and Understanding of Health and Fitness.
At KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6), the children again have both indoor and outdoor PE sessions and build upon the 6 areas of the scheme and a programme which also includes swimming in year 3, competitive games and learning about the importance of personal bests.
What is the difference that this makes? (Our impact)
Through effective learning in PE we promote access to a very wide range of sports and experiences and opportunity to participate in competitive events. Young people’s health, safety and wellbeing develops and we hope that we inspire our young people to be participants in sports and active lifestyles for life and can demonstrate resilience, personal social skills and good team play. Please see our ‘PE and Sport Premium’ for evaluation of our spending and outcomes.