PE Leaders
Why do we teach what we teach? (Our intent)
PE Leaders enables our school to deliver a leadership programme that supports the development of Leadership Fundamentals in a fun and engaging way. It is a flexible and sustainable programme allowing every child that is involved to have the opportunity to be a leader. From the beginning of the school year we work with our leaders on a weekly basis to develop their leadership abilities.
How do we teach it? (Our implementation)
Our Leaders from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 meet weekly to discuss leadership techniques, and practically develop our methods to lead games for other children at our school. Our leaders have the opportunity to lead games, e.g. for other children throughout the year during PE lessons and during break and lunch times. Our leaders deliver these games to each other to build their confidence and they are given encouraging feedback by their fellow leaders. This is built up throughout the year so that our leaders are confident enough to run our School Games Day activities in the summer term.
Our leaders also have the opportunity to work closely with 6th form leaders from Slough and Eton secondary school, which is a fantastic way to see in practice the different leadership skills that we could develop as we become more experienced leaders.
What is the difference that this makes? (Our impact)
Our leaders grow hugely over the course of the year, to begin with being taught the games, to eventually leading the games with confidence. Our leaders at St Mary’s have previously assisted with the running of the ‘Change 4 Life’ festival running games for infant children. Previous leaders have assisted at after school football club, and have gone on to manage lower school football teams at Berkshire football festivals. The confidence and maturity shown at our School Games Day by our leaders, leading games with other children in their year group and other children in our school is very encouraging for our future.