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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Learn. Grow. Achieve. Flourish.

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR



  • Nursery: 89%
  • Reception: 89%
  • Year 1: 92%
  • Year 2: 87%
  • Year 3: 93%
  • Year 4: 96%
  • Year 5: 97%
  • Year 6: 97%



 We have a number of pupils with medical needs and allergies throughout the school.  These include diabetes, severe nut allergies, asthma to name but a few.


Our staff receive training in recognising the symptoms of particular medical conditions and work with parents and physicians to support pupils and their families.  Many of our staff are trained in key areas to support our pupils and have basic first aid and/or paediatric first aid.


If your child has a medical condition, please make an appointment with the class teacher in the first instance to discuss any symptoms and personal requirements.  You will also be required to complete medical details via the school office.


We ask kindly that packed lunches do not contain chocolate spread, peanut butter spread, nut bars, cakes, biscuits or chocolate bars that do or may contain nuts.


Medical Care

We have a large number of first aid trained staff throughout the school who are available during the day to attend to children who become ill or have an accident.


If children are ill, it is considered important for every effort to be made for a sick child to return home. Parents are asked to provide a daytime telephone number so that they can be contacted if necessary. If this is not possible, please provide a daytime telephone number for a relative or neighbour, who can be called in an emergency.


Administration of Medicines

Medicines can only be administered under certain circumstances, i.e. case of chronic or long-term illness, such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy, and in cases where children are recovering from short-term illnesses and are well enough to return to school but are still taking medication.

It is preferable that parents should administer medicines. However, there are times when it may be difficult and the Head Teacher, acting in loco parentis, will arrange for the administration of medicine. In these rare circumstances you will need to fill in a medication form available from the school office.


Hospital and Clinic Appointments

Children are not allowed to leave the premises during school hours without written/and permission from the parent. If your child has an appointment during school hours, please let school know in advance. Parents should collect their child for such an appointment only at the school office.


Child Protection

The Local Authority in conjunction with the Area Child Protection Committee [Police, Social Services, Health and Education] lay down procedures that all schools have to follow in the case of suspected child abuse. The school complies with the procedures and will act if there are concerns raised.


Please refer to our policies for further information.
