Homework - Week ending 6/09/24
River project
We would like the children to complete a project for our new geography topic, 'Rivers'.
This can be done as a poster, a written project or a 3D model.
Homework is due every Tuesday however, we are giving the children until Friday to complete the project.
Year 6 team.
Character description
Summer holiday homework 2024
Important message - 14/07/24
Dear parents/carers,
The children will need to bring in their coloured t'shirt that they wore for sports day on Monday 15th July. We will be doing a dress rehearsal for our performance and any children that do not have a speaking part will need to wear the t'shirt. Please bring - the children will change at lunch time.
Thank you,
Year 6 team.
Homework week ending 21/06/24
For homework this week we would like the children to:
- have 3 memories ready for next week to speak about in the leaver's assembly
- plan a balanced argument on deforestation
- prepare a pitch for their business idea - they will write this down as a speech
They will also need to learn the following songs:
- Rule the world by Take That
- This is me from 'The Greatest Showman
- The Climb by Miley Cyrus
- Running up that hill by Kate Bush
- Golden Hour by Jvke
- We are the Champions by Queen
Homework week ending 14.06.24
For homework this week, we are asking the children to write down 3 memories of their time at St. Mary's. These will be used as part of their leaver's assembly. They should explain their memories and make them humorous.
Thank you
Ms Rockett
Homework week ending 7th June 2024
For this week's homework we want the children to plan a balanced argument on deforestation. This is in preparation for next week's writing lessons. They will need to bring this in by Tuesday 11th June.
The children will also be undertaking a business project. We need them to think about what they want to have on a stall and plan a presentation regarding what they will sell and how they will make profit. I have attached a power point for them to go through.
Homework week ending 26th May 2024
Our homework topics for next half term are:
'Evolution and Inheritance' for Science
'Why are the world's rain forests are under-threat?'
We would like the children to produce a 3D model. poster or project based on one of the topics above.
Please can they bring this in by the Friday of the first week back.
Ms Rockett
Homework week ending 17/05/24
Next week the children will be writing a persuasive advert on the country they researched last term. The children will need to plan this advert over the weekend.
It is also important that the children do their reading record comments at least x3 times a week starting from next week. They should bring their reading book in every day of the week.
Homework week ending 3rd May
Homework week ending 26/04/24
grammar paper to be done Monday 22/04/24
Homework week ending 19th April 2024
The Watertower
The children will need to read The Watertower story this weekend as next week they will be planning a newspaper report on it. It would appreciated if they could start drafting this out at the weekend. The report will be on what happened to Bubba.
Reading paper to complete for tuition on Friday
Holiday homework
For holiday homework we would like you to research climate change as when you come back you will be writing a letter to the Government regarding this topic.
Homework week ending 22nd March 2024
Homework week ending 15/03/24
For homework this week we are asking the children to carry on revising from the website. They can complete a previous reading, grammar and reasoning paper for Tuesday. We will mark them in class.
We are also asking them to do some research on the Blitz during World war 2 focusing on the question: how did Britain survive the Blitz?
Homework week ending 8th March 2024
Homework week ending 1.03.24
Homework week ending 23rd February 2024
This weeks learning for revision
Half term holiday homework
Homework week ending 26th January 2024
Tutor group
Homework week ending 19th January 2024
Writing - To write a setting description of your favourite place (e.g. your lounge, the park or somewhere else special to you.). You need to make sure that you are using all the elements from the Expected Standard Writing Criteria. Use the writing mats below to help you. Once you have finished you can use coloured pencils to show where you have used the different criteria in your setting description.
Horror story writing
Homework ending 12th January 2024 - to be brought into class on Tuesday 16th January.
Homework week ending 5th January 2024
Research for Geography topic
The children should also research landmarks for the countries they have chosen the tourists to visit in our geography lesson this week. They are to write the list of landmarks in their homework books/folders ready for our lesson next week.
Optional project homework
Our geography topic this term is North and South America. It would be lovely if the children could make a poster or a model related to this topic. This can be hjanded in on Friday next week.
Homework 8th December
Friday 1st December 2023
Friday 24th November
Tuesday 21st November
Friday 17th November
This week in our writing lessons we are starting a new unit on biography writing. To maximise learning time we are encouraging the children to do their own research into one of the war poets we looked at last week. The children can choose one of the following poets to research about:
- Laurance Binyon (For the Fallen)
- John McCrae (In Flanders Fields)
- Wilfred Owen (Dulce et Decorum Est)
To aid you in your research, you may want to focus on gaining information for the following headings; Early life & family, Education, Career & lasting impact and Interesting facts.
Grammar revision
Homework week ending 10/11/23
Homework for week ending 3rd November
Can you remember the ABCDE of Children's Rights? Mr Plumley will be checking if you can name them on Tuesday.
Half term holiday homework to be done by Tuesday 31st October 2023
Spellings to learn
making a salad ppt
Arithmetic test (to be done by Tuesday 17th October
Spellings to learn for Tuesday 17th October
Arithmetic test (30 minutes) to be timed
Reading test to be timed
Grammar practice
Homework - W/E 06/10/23
Science - To research Patricia Bath and write an A4 report on how light helped her research.
English - On Monday, we will be reading The Rabbits by John Marsden and Shaun Tan.
Read and explore some of the images, symbols and representations from The Rabbits so that you can share your ideas.
Some questions to think about.
Who do the animals represent?
How do they feel about each other at the beginning and in the end? Explain.
What is Shaun Tan’s message?
Homework - W/E 29/09/23
Go on Reading Eggpress and read the Light book, which will support the work we are doing in Science.
For revision purposes only - this does not have to be handed into school.
Homework w/e 22/09/23
Homework weekend beginning 16/09/23
Light - Reflection extension homework Due 16.09.23
Times tables support
Maths Revision w/b 5/9/23
Spellings to learn.
Topic models
As part of the homework this weekend we are asking the children to make a model or a poster on either Light or Islam.
We understand that this is short notice so we are giving the children all of next week to complete this.
Thank you as always for your co-operation.
Ms Rockett
The early finish on Friday afternoons are when children should be learning from home.