Welcome To Elm Class!
Staff in Elm Class:
Class teacher - Miss Galloway
Important information:
* We expect all children to read daily, but only write 3 high quality comments in their reading record each week.
* PE lessons will be on a Wednesday (outdoors) and Friday (indoors). All children will be getting changed in school, so please wear school uniform to school every morning. Swimming lessons will take place on a Thursday for those children attending in Autumn.
* Please make sure you wear smart school uniform every day - remember that you are representing yourself (to everyone around you) as well as St Mary's. Take pride in your appearance.
* Please remember to name all belongings (PE kit, coats, bags, pencil cases and equipment etc.) as this means things can be easily returned to the correct person if they go missing.
Our timetables
Summer Term Homework
Spring Term Homework
Autumn Term Homework:
For other homework activities, please see our Y5 homework page.
Extra Activities
Useful links:
Contact Elm Class Teacher Elm@stmarys.slough.sch.uk