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St Mary's Church of England Primary School

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St Mary's Church of England Primary School, Yew Tree Road, Slough, England, SL1 2AR

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Our Computing Coordinator is Mr L. Plumley

Why do we teach what we teach? (Our intent)

Computing is a practical subject, in which invention and resourcefulness are encouraged, this leads to children who are curious, creative and courageous. We want our children to be prepared to thrive in this technologically rich world we live in. We want our pupils to a have a high level of computer literacy so they are better able to conceptualise, understand and use computer-based technology, therefore, they are better prepared as they move on through education and into adult life.


How do we teach it? (Our implementation)

We have a variety of resources for teaching computing here at St Mary’s, including: an ICT suite with 30 computers for the students; ‘Snake Area’ a communal area with 6-8 computers for small groups to use; 30 laptops in transportable trolleys that can be used in classrooms and a number of tablets. These resources are all well utilised and timetabled by staff for pupils to use each week.


As well has hardware, we have numerous pieces of software to support staff and pupils with the teaching and learning of computing. Purple Mash is used to introduce children to computing. As children move through the school, they are introduced to other programmes and hardware, such as Scratch, Microsoft Office and Micro:bits.


What is the difference that this makes? (Our impact)

By the end of their time at St Mary’s children have a solid understanding of word processing and presentation skills as well as being able to write clear and concise procedures for coding.

Links to websites that will support and deepen children's learning of computing:
