Welcome to Cherry Class!
Class Teacher - Miss Jenkins
Year 1 Lead and Phonics Co-ordinator
Support Staff - Mrs Salgut, Mrs Bradford, Mrs Nayak and Mrs McEyeson
LSAs - Mrs Osborn and Mrs Rahman
Any questions please email Miss Jenkins on the class email account:
Important Information:
- We will provide children with the equipment they need, please do not bring any pencil cases to school.
- Children will order lunches with the class teacher in the morning. If your child is bringing a packed lunch please make sure that it is clearly labelled.
- Children can bring a labelled water bottle.
- Children must read with an adult at home daily and an adult is to sign their reading record.
- Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday.
- Phonics books will be sent home on a Friday and must return to school the following Monday.
- Class library books will be changed every Friday.
- Children must bring in a labelled school P.E kit on a Monday and keep it in school.
- Cherry Class P.E Days - Tuesday and Wednesday.
Please make sure you label all of your child's school and P.E uniform to ensure items do not get misplaced/go missing.
- We will be using and exploring the outdoor area all year round. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately.
For example: If it is cold and rainy your child comes into school with a waterproof coat and if it is hot and sunny that they have sun cream on, a sun hat and a labelled water bottle.
Meet the Teacher powerpoint
Contact Cherry class Teacher